HavePrasad - Spreading the prasad of Knowledge

What is time ?

What is time ? Time,Our universe was born with the Big Bang and with it time was also born. No one can explain exactly what it is. Albert Einstein

               What is time ?


Our universe  was born with the Big Bang and with it time was also born. 

No one can explain exactly what it is. Albert Einstein, the famous physicist, tried it once and said that time is a 'measure to arrange things one after the other. 

The world is full of mystery and questions, have you ever wondered what is time ?Few things are so familiar and mysterious. Our lives are ruled by way of time, and yet we've got so little know-how of it.

In many ways time behaves like a dimension. We pass via and feature a position in time, just as we pass via and have a role in space. Every event, going on, and assembly can be specific via its temporal and spatial coordinates.

But unlike dimensions of area, we don't have any say over our velocity and course in time. We can neither forestall nor turn around. We simplest pass ahead, unalterably, on the price of one 2d in keeping with second.

Adding to the strangeness of the time size, we even measure it in another way. While we use rulers to degree distances in space, measuring distances in time requires clocks.

But till 1905, no one had any idea just how odd time actually is.

This become the year Einstein overturned the millennia-vintage belief that time is an absolute, constant, and impartial element of the universe.

He(Einstein)showed that time is relative, malleable, and depending on observers.

We have defined equal sections from the second to the year to understand when an event occurred in the past.

For 5000 years, people have been trying to invent all possible instruments for measuring time such as sundials, water clocks, and pendulum clocks. Since 1949 we have the precise atomic clock, which becomes slow by one second in 30 billion years.

This sundial is 2500 years old. The time can be read fron  the shadow made by the rod.
This sundial is 2500 years old.
The time can be read fron 
the shadow made by the rod.


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