How do animals move ? I How do animals move without bones ? How do animals fly and swim ?
How and why do animals move ?
What is movement ?
How does Movement occur ?
Movement on land ?
How do animals move without bones ?
How does an eart
How do animals move ? How do animals move without bones ?
How do animals fly and swim ?
We know that most animals can move from one place to another.Fly,walk,run,crawl,slide and swim are some of the ways in which animals move.
In this article / post by HavePrasad we will know about
- How and why do animals move ?
- What is movement ?
- How does Movement occur ?
- Movement on land ?
- How do animals move without bones ?
- How does an earthworm move ?
- How do snails move ?
- How do cockroaches move ?
- How do animals fly concept of flying ?
- How do animals swim and concept of swimming(fish) ?
How and why do animals move ?
Animals move with the help of their specialised body parts.Most animals have different parts,and perform different functions and help in the movement of the animals.
Most animals can move from one place to another. Only a few like the corals and sponges do not move. However. they can move parts of their bodies.
Animals move to find food and water,escape from their enemies and to return to their shelters. Some animals move away (migrate) to other places to avoid harsh seasons.
Birds living in extremely cold regions fly away in winter to warmer regions when the weather conditions become harsh and when food is not easily available.
Cranes, herons, pelicans and several other birds from as far as Siberia, Australia, North America, Middle East, Egypt, China, Africa and Europe migrate to bird sanctuaries in India for breeding.
Moving from one place to another can be termed as movement.Each kind of animal has a body that is designed to move in its environment. Terrestrial animals can walk, run, hop, jump, climb or crawl. Animals that live in water can swim. Most birds fly. Some birds like ducks can walk on land, swim in water and fly short distances.
Birds - fly
Snakes - crawl
Cheetah - run
Jelly fish - swim
Fish - swim
Rabbits - hop
Snails - crawl
How does movement occur?
How does Movement occur ? - HavePrasad |
Human beings and all other vertebrates have an internal skeleton made up of bones. The bones are connected to muscles. Bones and muscles together help in movement.
Insects, scorpions, crabs and starfish have an hard external skeleton called the exoskeleton. The muscles that help the body of these animals to move are mostly attached to the exoskeleton. Soft-bodied animals like worms, have fluid-filled body segments or cavities.
Movement on land
Terrestrial animals need to lift their bodies away from the ground to move easily Limbs help them to do so. Limbs support the animal and bear the weight of the body.
Most vertebrates have tails that help them keep their balance while moving .
- While walking, the limbs are pushed backwards providing a forward thrust to the body.
- In animals like cat,During jumping, both the hind limbs are pushed backwards with greater force, this generates an upward motion in the forward direction.
- A tiny insect, the flea, can jump over 150 times its length.
Movement in Animals without skeleton
How do animals move without bones ?
Animals like the earhworm,snail and snake do not have limbs.They push their bodies against the groind to move forward. Not all animals have bones,bones which can be call the pillar of living organism . But how can some animals live and move without bones (pillar).Nature has provide animals with different abilities, everything in the environment changes according to the convenience which is what called Adaptation. So. Let's explore Movement in animals without skeleton ,concept of flying and swimming.
How does an earthworm move?
Earthworms move by contracting muscles.
An earthworm moves with the help of stiff hair-like projections, called bristles and muscles. The bristles are on the lower surface of its body. They can bemoved in and out to grip the ground.
The earthworm sticks to the soil with the help of the bristles and then pushes itself forward by stretching its muscles. Similarly, it can move backwards by contracting its muscles. Consequently, it can cover only a small distance with every move.
How do snails move?
How do snails move? HavePrasad |
Snails move by contracting and expanding their muscles. The snail has a shell (outer skeleton) made of calcium carbonate. It drags its shell along as it moves with the help of its sticky foot. The muscles in the foot contract and expand, this enables the snail to move forward. The snail has a gland that produces a slimy mucus.
The mucus hardens when it comes in contact with air. You can often see these silvery tracks in the garden. The hardened mucus covers the path on which the snail moves and protects the snail.
It enables the snail to move even on very sharp edges.
How do snakes move?
Snakes move by sliding their bodies. Various kinds of snakes move in a different pattern and they leave their marks on the soil. At times, it is possible to identify the snake from these marks. The under surface of the body of snakes is covered with scales, which help them to press to the ground and move forward.
Snakes throws its body in 's-shaped' waves
Then,the curves push against the ground and pass backward as the curve passes backward, the snake is pushed forward .
How do cockroaches move?
Cockroaches walk and climb with the help of the three pairs of legs.
They have two pairs of wings that help them fly.
A cockroach moves its legs with the help of muscles near the limbs. The spines on its legs enable it to move on sand and tiled surfaces. The breast muscles move the wings and help the cockroach to fly. The small hair on its sides. detect the movements of an approaching body and makes the cockroach run in the opposite direction. The special eyes allow it to see in all directions, around it, at the same time.
How do animals(birds) fly ?
Concept of flying - Flying
Only insects, birds and bats can fly. In insects, the wings are made up of a thin layer of cuticle. The wings are attached to the thorax region with the help of muscles.
Every part of a bird is modified for flight. The skeleton of birds is made up of porous and hollow bones. This reduces their body weight. The streamlined shape of the bird's body is designed for flying.
To fly, birds have wings covered with
feathers. The feathers provide a large surface area and aid in flying) The tail feathers help them to maintain their balance.
Birds fly by flapping their wings or by gliding.
1. A downward stroke begins
2. Wing feathers spread out and go further downward increasing the backward push.
3. Wings continue to push air downwards providing an upward lift.
4. Wings complete an upward stroke and downward sroke begins again.
How the shape of the wings helps in gliding,saoring,or high speed flying ?
Albatross |
Albatross has long ,narrow.pointed wings, and helps them soar for hours without flapping wings.
Swallow has small, narrow tapering wings for high speed flying.
Pheasant has short,rounded wings and allow rapid take offs.
Eagles have broad wings for soaring, have feathers on the edges that control flight.
Bats are the only mammals that can fly.The bones in the wings are elongated fingers and are connected by flaps of skin.
How do animals(fish) swim ?
Concept of swimming
Animals that live in water are expert swimmers. The bodies of these animals are adapted to swim. Their body shape is streamlined, which helps them to
move fast in water.
Fish have fins which are supported by rays of cartilage and are attached to muscles. They swim by bending their bodies and tail in quick succession. While, they expand their muscles on one side of their body, the muscles on the opposite side relax. This kind of zigzag motion produces a thrust which propels them forward. The tail moves from side to side, and helps the fish swim in the right direction.
The fins also help them to maintain the balance and change direction, while swimming. Fish rise to the surface of water by filling the balloon-like structure, called swim bladder with air and sink to the bottom by emptying it.
The webbed feet of ducks, flipper-like wings of penguins and large flipper-like limbs of turties help them to swim.
This post was published in aim of providing knowledge because these are the things we observe in our daily life. Every thing we see has some sort of movement,this post does not include Movement in humans because I think that eveyone know about it and there are other sites which provide such information on such topics.I would like to provide a unique and informative experience to my users. If you see any animals/insect and seen them moving,you must have thought how they move.I have just tried to provide about how they move of some animals/insect.
Let's recall
•The skeleton gives a definite shape to the body, protects internal organs and helps the animal to move.
•But some animals can move without bones too.
•Movable joints help us move our body parts. .
•Earthworms, snails and snakes push their bodies against the ground to move forward.
•A streamlined, light-weight body and wings help the bird fly.
•A streamlined body and fins help the fish to swim.