Introduction to Computer languages(programming, Machine,Assembler,HIL,OOP, Fourth Generation language )
Introduction to Computer languages,Advantages and disadvantages of Assembler language
5.High level language (HIL)
Advantages and disadvantages of High
Introduction to Computer languages
(programming,Machine,Assembler,HIL,OOP,Fourth generation language )
By the end of this post,you will know,
2.Programming languages
3.Machine languages
4.Assembler languages
Advantages and disadvantages of Assembler language
5.High level language (HIL)
Advantages and disadvantages of High level language
6.Object oriented programming languages (C++,JAVA)
7.Fourth Generation Languages: An elementary idea
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The world of growing Knowledge,world of computer is full of wonders. Its effective applications in various fields create inquisitiveness among ourselves. The general excitement about Information Technology and computer can be seen among the elites and the beginners, equally, Any information can be accessed, created, communicated or analyzed through Information Technology Information Technology provides dynamic process of learning in the electronic environment. The use of IT not only increases the productivity and creativity but also encourages self-directed learning.
As you know the computer is a pile "dumb" metal without software. The program, a list of instructions telling computer what to do, is termed as software. These instructions spell out each and every step in the data processing. Most of these software is created by programming also known as coding.To generate a base on coding and programming,it is important to know about various computer languages.In order to understand and use these languages in future development, it is important to know about these languages.This post by HavePrasad presents an overview of the major type of computer languages we depend on as we work with computers.
To understand computer software, you need a basic knowledge of the role that programming languages play in the development of computer programs. A programming language allows a programmer to develop the sets of instructions that constitute a computer program. Many different programming languages have been developed, each with its own unique vocabulary, grammar, and uses.
Machine languages (or first generation languages) are the most basic level of programming languages. In the early stages of computer development, all program instructions had to be written using binary codes unique to each computer. This type of programming involves the difficult task of writing instructions in the form of string of binary digits (ones and zeros) or other number systems. Programmers must have detailed knowledge of the internal operations of the specific type of CPU they are using. They must write long series of detailed instructions to accomplish even simple processing tasks. Programming in machine language requires specifying the storage locations for every instruction and item of data used. Instructione must be included for every switch and indicator used by the program These requirements make machine language programming a difficul and error-prone task
A machine language program to add two numbers together in the CPU of a specific computer and store the result might othe form shown in the following box :
Machine Language
Use binary coded instructions
1101 1001
1011 1111
1100 1101
Assembler languages for second generation languages) are the next level of programming languages. They were developed to reduce the difficulties in writing machine language programs. The use of assembler languages requires language translator programs called assemblers that allow a computer to convert the instructions of such languages into machine instructions
Assembler languages are frequently called symbolic languages because symbols are used to represent operation codes and storage locations Convenient alphabetic abbreviations called mnemonics (memory aids) other symbols represent operation codes. storagelocations and data elements
For example, the computation A = B+ C in an assembler language might take the form shown in the following box:
Assembler Language
Use symbolic coded instructions
An assembler language uses alphabetic abbreviations that are easier to remember in place of the actual numeric addresses of the data. This greatly simplifies programming, since the programmer does not need to know the exact storage locations of data and instructions. However, assembler language still machine oriented, because assembler language instructions correspond closely the machine language instructions of the particular computer model being used. Also note that each assembler instruction corresponds to a single machine instruction, and that the same number of instructions are required in both illustrations.
Assembler languages are still widely used as a method of programming a computer in a machine-oriented language. Most computer manufacturers provide an assembler language that reflects the unique machine language instruction set of a particular line of computers. This feature is particularly desirable to system programmers, who program system software las opposed to application programmers, who program application software): since it provides them with greater control, and flexibility in designing a program for a particular computer They can then produce more efficient software that is programs that require a minimum of instructions, storage, and CPU time to perform a specie processing assignment.
High-level languages (or third generation languageduse instructions, which are called statements that use brief statements or arithmetic expressions Individual high level language statements are actually macroinstructions, that is, each individual statement generates several machine instructions sehen translated into machine language by high level language translator programs called compilers or interpinters High-level language statements resemble the phrases or mathematical expressions required to express the problem or procedure being programmed. The syntax foocabulary, punctuation, and grammatical rules and the semantics (meanings) of wach statements do not reflect the internal code of any particular computer.
For example, the computation A= B +C would be programmed in the high level languages of BASIC (Beginner All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) and COBOL (Common Business Onerited Language as shown in the following box.
High Level Language
Use statement or arithmetic expresion
A high-level language is obviously easier to learn and understand than on assembles language Also, high level languages have less rigid rules forms, and syntaxes, so the potential for error is reduced. However, high level language programs are usually less efficient than assembler language programs and require a greater amount of computer time for translation into machine instructions. Since most high level languages are machine independent, programs written in a high level language do not have to be reprogrammed when a new computer is installied, and computer programmers do not have to leom a new language for each computer they program. We have reported some of the major high level languages still being used in some forms today.
•Ada : Named after Augusta Ads Byron, considered the world's first computer programmer Developed for the US Department of Defence as a standard high-order language.
•BASIC: The full form of the abbreviation of BASIC Beginner's Al-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code A simple procedure-oriented language designed for the end user
•C:Anallevel structured language developed as part of the UNIX operating system It resembles a machine independent assembler language.
•COBOL :(COmmon Business Oriented Language): An English like language widely used for programming business applications.
•FORTRAN: (FORmula TRANslation): A high-level language designed for scientific and engineering applications.
• Pascal: Named after Blaise Pascal Developed Specifically to incorporate structured programming concepts .
•LOGO : (Logic Oriented Graphic Oriented)
• \Prolog (Programming in Logic)
Object-oriented programming (OOP) languages have been around since Xerox developed Smalltalk in the 1960s. However, object-oriented languages like Visual Basic, C++, and Java have become major tools of software development. Briefly, while most other programming languages separate data elements from the procedures or actions that will he performed upon them, OOP languages tie them together into objects. Thus, an object consists of data and the actions that can be performed on the data.
For example, an object could be a set of data about a bank customer's savings account, the operations (such as interest calculations! that might be performed upon the data. An object could be data in graphic form such as a video display window, plus display actions that might be used upon it
In procedural languages, a program consists of procedures to perform actions each data element. However, in object-oriented systems. objects tell other objects perform actions on themselves.
For example, to open a window on a computer video display, a beginning menu object could send a window object a message to open and window will appear on the screen. That's because the window object contains the program code for opening itself
Object-oriented languages are easier to use and more efficient for programming the graphics-oriented user interfaces required by many applications.
Java, a object oriented programming language is created by Sun Microsystems that is revolutionizing the programming of applications for the World Wide Web and corporate intranets and extranets.
The term fourth-generation language describes a variety of programming languages that are more nonprocedural and conversational than prior languages.
These languages are called loudly generation languages (4GLs) to differentiate them from machine language Roost generation), assembler languages (second generation, an high level languages (third generation). Most fourth-generation languages are nonprocedural languages that encourage users and programmers to specify the results they want, while the computer determines the sequence of instructions that will accomplish those results. Users and programmers no longer have to spend a lot of time developing the sequence of instructions the computer must follow to achieve a result. These languages are being used to develop artificial Intelligence related fields.
Computer and its related is now the most demanding topic.It is used almost extensively everywhere including big companies,tech firms, web and app development. As we are providing a free post On how to learn and use JAVA ,it is important to provide an introduction about it and it's belongings.
By now,you must have an idea in the following topics:
.Programming languages
Machine languages
.Assembler languages
Advantages and disadvantages of Assembler language
.High level language (HIL)
Advantages and disadvantages of High level language
.Object oriented programming languages (C++,JAVA)
Fourth Generation Languages: An elementary idea
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